a message from pastor jenn

Beloved People of God,

There is a sacred rhythm of life. If we look to the trees, we can witness this sacred rhythm of life happening right before our eyes.

As it starts to grow colder, the trees start to shed their bright beautiful leaves leaving the branches bare. Sometimes in life, we too may need to bless certain things and allow them to fall away, for example, letting go of things that no longer give us life or certain harmful or destructive views that we have held for too long. However, it is not easy, and it takes courage to do so because it often leaves us in a vulnerable state and in need to grieve such losses and change. However, we know that the bare branches are not the end of their life cycle. In knowing this, we too can be assured that during those times in our lives, it is not the end of our story either.

The bare branches represent a time of rest – a time for Sabbath – to let go and just be – to not have to be productive or prove their worth – but to just be what they were created to be. Throughout the winter months, the branches become a place for the snow to nest. As the sunlight or moonlight shine upon the trees, the snow beautifully glistens, and it accentuates the beauty of the bare tree. During those months, the trees do not just sit there lifeless. The trees become a place of shelter to safely rest for certain animals like squirrels and chipmunks.

As it starts to warm up and the sun is brightly shining, we start to see some bright green leaves adorning the trees once again. Among the trees, we hear Ruah Elohim, the breath of God/The Wind, rustling the leaves and creaking the branches of the trees. The chipmunks and squirrels are peeking out from their places of hibernation, and the chirping of the hungry baby birds rings forth from their nests. Amid the trees, we witness the promise of new life happening – the waking and stirring of Creation – the dawning of a new beginning.

If we stand among Creation, listening and observing carefully, we might witness all of Creation praising the King of Glory and living in a symbiosis (cooperative) relationship together. This is the sacred rhythm of life.

As people of the resurrection, may we experience the sacred rhythm of life by living in God’s promise of new life and in a symbiosis relationship with God and all of Creation. "All creation, come praise the name of the LORD. Praise his name alone. The glory of God is greater than heaven and earth.” Psalm 148:13


In Christ’s love,

Pastor Jenn